Yes, We Will Help You Build Your Strong Town
The Community Action Lab is the most comprehensive resource available for building Strong Towns.
When: July 14 at noon CT
Where: Virtual (Zoom)
Who: Anyone who wants to see their community grow stronger.
A new program for cities, towns, and counties that are facing fallout from decades of suburban development is now accepting applications. The Community Action Lab is a two-year, comprehensive community-planning process coached by Strong Towns, the non-profit organization that sparked a grassroots movement for financially resilient cities in North America.
This is not your average, top-down project led by outsiders who think they know better.
The Community Action Lab is the only program in North America that is uniquely designed in collaboration with participating communities to address each place’s one-of-a-kind challenges and goals.
Join Charles Marohn (Strong Towns President) and Grace Whatley (Strong Towns Development Associate) for a brief presentation and the chance to get your questions answered about applying for this opportunity. We're only accepting five applications for 2023, so now is the time to learn about this program and see whether it’s a good fit for your city or town.
Participating communities will draft a path forward based on the needs of locals, and create an Action Team from among citizens, elected officials, and city professionals.
With guidance from planning experts and access to decades of the most comprehensive resources on townmaking available, this team will face local challenges using the Strong Towns approach.
Over the course of the first year, Strong Towns will work closely with pilot communities, lending a supportive framework of expert counsel, proven marketing strategy, event planning, community survey, and more to activate local skills and wisdom. During the second year, locals will be able to take full responsibility for the project, while Strong Towns remains available to answer pressing questions and provide ongoing access to resources.
One core insight of the Strong Towns movement is that becoming a resilient community is a continuous process—no place is perfect, and no place is ever “done.” The cities, towns, and counties that are selected for this program will lay down a foundation for community action that far exceeds the two-year timeline of the Community Action Lab, setting participants up to build enduring prosperity.