Is this online course better than Vision Zero for helping smaller cities?
How many tragedies does it take before cities build safer streets?
The truth is there are many smaller cities like Springfield, Massachusetts, with dangerous street designs, rising deaths, and no official response in sight. So, for those cities that can’t—or won’t—take action, a national non-profit created an online course to bridge the gap.
This January, Strong Towns released a free, online course to share a life-saving approach for analyzing and preventing car crashes — The Crash Analysis Studio.
Where police investigations and insurance evaluations play the blame game, the Crash Analysis Studio presents a more humane framework that asks, “Are we building unsafe conditions?”
In the new “Starting Your Own Crash Analysis Studio” course, everyone from city council members to concerned citizens will find what they need to lead a studio, share their findings, and take action.
In 2023, Strong Towns launched its flagship Crash Analysis Studio program. In 12 studio sessions across North America, Strong Towns’ transportation experts worked with community leaders and local experts to analyze road designs and other transportation conditions that contributed to locally nominated crashes.
“Vision Zero has its benefits, but work like this can’t wait. These collisions are preventable, and in many cases, immediate steps can be completed over a weekend. We created this course for those who are tired of waiting and ready to step up.”
- Edward Erfurt, Director of Community Action
Strong Towns is a 501c(3) nonprofit and media advocacy organization that shifts conversations around the North American development pattern. Through articles, podcasts, videos, live events, and city partnerships, they provide knowledge and tools to help cities transform their streets and communities.
Review the free, online course “Starting Your Own Crash Analysis Studio”
Invite Strong Towns to lead a Crash Analysis Studio in your town.
For media inquiries and interviews with Strong Towns experts, contact:
Karen Douglas — Public Relations
Press Contact:
Karen Douglas
Published January 8, 2024