This is what I see

Member drive weeks are about signing up new members, as well as nudging our existing members to renew and stay with us, but they are also about celebrating success. At Strong Towns, we've got a lot of reasons to celebrate.

Here's what I see: I see us reaching more and more people every day. I see our audience growing. I see more people engaged in this conversation than I ever thought possible. I was there at the beginning. This is amazing.

I see Strong Towns members everywhere. I travel all over this country and everywhere I go I meet members, people working to make their communities better. In every U.S. state, all across Canada, in Mexico and even South America, Europe and Asia, we have people doing what they can do to build a strong town. That's some powerful energy for positive change.

Our members and their towns. 

And here's the key: I see things starting to change. We're starting to see real success. Changes on the ground. I see Strong Citizens taking the initiative. I see cities changing policies. I see bad projects being killed and good projects moving ahead. I see the next generation of leaders emerging with a vision for building Strong Towns. The world is shifting. Our time is coming.

I see all of this and all I want to do is go faster. It's tough sometimes to take the incremental approach, to keep building this movement a little at a time, but that's our way. That's the Strong Towns approach. And everything I see tells me it's working.

We're on our way to a movement of a million people who care. Thank you to those first special 1,300 members -- the early adopters -- who have been with us from the start. I'm here at all hours working for you, hoping that you'll just keep doing what you're doing because you are the ones who are changing the world. I'm just cheering for you and giving you a friendly little nudge.