Join in on Strong Towns' Conversations at CNU

Strong Towns is headed to the annual Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) in Savannah, Georgia in a little over a week. If you're attending the event, we hope to see you there, and if you're not, we still have a ton of ways for you to join in on the engaging conversations we'll be having throughout the Congrss.

Here's how to participate:

1. Podcasts

On May 16-18, Chuck Marohn will be hosting a series of live podcast recordings with several prominent CNU speakers, Strong Towns members and other interesting people.  We're featuring everyone from CNU founder, planner and architect, Andres Duany who'll discuss the host city of Savannah, to the principal and managing director of Placemakers, Hazel Borys, who will talk about applying new urbanist ideas in the real world, to incremental developers Monte and John Anderson, who will talk about why it's so hard to get things built (and what we can do about it.

If you're attending CNU: Check out the schedule and join us for a live recording. You'll have a chance to ask your own questions of each podcast guest at the end of the session. All recordings will take place in the Madison Ballroom at the DeSoto Hotel (15 E Liberty). Stop in any time!

If you're not attending: Subscribe to the Strong Towns Podcast and get excited to hear every CNU conversation coming straight to your ears throughout the summer.

2. Debates

On Friday, May 18 at 8:00 PM, Chuck Marohn will host the Congress for the New Urbanism Annual Debates at the Knights of Columbus, Council 631 Hall (3 West Liberty Street).

This event is a mashup of Oxford-style debating and American Idol. First, each side will have two debaters give an opening argument. Then we'll move onto a Q&A session, followed by a chance for each participant to offer a closing argument. Throughout the debate, our judges (see below) will give feedback and critique. Audience voting will determine the winning team.

If you're attending CNU: Sign up to be a debater! We've got several gripping, current topics that we'll debate this year. We're betting you have some thoughts on at least one of them... And if you're not up for debating, we'd still love for you to attend. The event is open to the public and you don't need to be a CNU attendee to participate. 

If you're not attending: Head to our Facebook page at 8pm EST on Friday, May 18 to watch a live broadcast of the debates.

3. Core Presentation

On Wednesday, May 16, Chuck Marohn will give a presentation entitled "Building Economically Resilient Communities: A Strong Towns Approach." This talk will explain in plain language, how so many American cities have found themselves in decline after decades of “growth.” The problem lies in the current model of development — one which values short-term gains over long-term prosperity. To strengthen our cities and ensure their economic success, we must look to traditional ways of building cities. In this presentation, Marohn will explain how active citizens, local officials and design professionals can change the negative trajectory in their towns and help them to become more resilient — no matter what challenges lie ahead.

If you're attending CNU: Come to the presentation. It'll take place from 1 - 2:30 pm on Wednesday, May 16 at the Savannah Theater (222 Bull St).

If you're not attending: Check out this condensed version of our presentation which breaks down key concepts into 6 simple videos and articles

4. Strong Towns Meet up

On Wednesday, May 16, Strong Towns will host a casual meet-up in Savannah at the Top Deck Bar (125 W River St ) from 8:30 - 10:30pm. Come by to hang out with Chuck Marohn and other Strong Towns members and friends.

If you're attending CNU: Come to the meet up! This location is stop #2 on the CNU NextGen Bar Crawl so feel free to drop in any time. 

If you're not attending: Consider connecting with local Strong Towns members and throwing together your own meet up anytime. Use our Local Conversations map to find members in your region and get started.