What Question Brought You to Strong Towns?


(Source: Unsplash, with edits.)

People end up in the Strong Towns movement for all kinds of reasons, but most of those journeys start with a question.

Why does my city not have any money? That was the question I set out to understand when I started writing back in 2008. More than a decade later, the mechanisms that drive the Suburban Ponzi Scheme are not only well understood but thoroughly documented. Millions of people each year are exposed to that answer, and it’s changed the conversation in dramatic ways.

Is there a question that brought you to Strong Towns? What answer were you seeking when you first found us?

I’m very proud to be a member, supporter and champion of the Strong Towns movement. The Strong Towns movement has helped me to better understand the civic issues related to long-term sustainability and viability of our communities.
— Steve Thomson, Strong Towns Member

Sometimes, the most important answer we find is to a question we weren’t even asking.

Many arrive here looking for a simple solution. The internet is full of clickbait promises like that. “Here’s the one thing every city should do to be successful. Strong Towns will never insult you in that way.

You are aware that complex challenges require nuance, deep thought, and patient understanding. The people who find Strong Towns and then stay in the movement are not looking for an easy shortcut or a repackaging of the latest fad. They are in for the long haul.

They are playing the long game. And they are changing everything.

I really enjoy your daily posts. Strong Towns has become my primary continuing education source.
— Rock Bell, Strong Towns Member

We are here for those looking for answers. Every week, we share a dozen or more new articles on a variety of Strong Towns-related topics. All of them are free to access and free to forward. Read them. Share them. Go ahead and be the smartest person in the room.

We also publish three different podcast streams. The Strong Towns Podcast is a philosophical deep dive, Upzoned covers current events from a Strong Towns perspective, and The Bottom-Up Revolution features profiles from the front lines.

And, of course, Strong Towns insights are delivered in bite size on email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn. TikTok? Yeah, we’re working on that one.

Knowledge seeking is part of every Strong Towns experience. Start your journey today by becoming a member of Strong Towns. Be an insider of the movement that is changing everything about how we talk about our cities, towns, and neighborhoods.