San Antonio locals discuss challenges of crash "thresholds" in next Crash Analysis Studio.
The intersection at Grissom Road and Old Grissom Road, which has been the site of numerous fatal collisions in San Antonio. (Source: KENS 5 News.)
SAN ANTONIO, Texas — On Friday, February 23, at 12:45 p.m. CT, San Antonio locals will co-host a Crash Analysis Studio to analyze dangerous street design conditions at a notorious intersection where locals have been demanding change since 2022. The free, online workshop presents a new standard of care for discussing crashes and identifying rapid, low-cost responses.
Crash Analysis Studio panelists will evaluate the intersection of Grissom Road and Old Grissom Road. According to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), 23 crashes have occurred at this intersection since 2014, including several fatalities. In the summer of 2023, locals were told a traffic light was coming. They are still waiting.
Panelists will also discuss the role of crash “thresholds” when responding to collisions and evaluating necessary responses.
According to a local representative, “TxDOT sets minimum requirements (or thresholds) for traffic volume and ‘correctible’ crashes to determine if a traffic signal is warranted… When the threshold is met, it becomes an engineering decision on how to proceed.” (KENS 5, 2023)
“Prioritizing responses like traffic lights is the status quo, but there’s no reason to wait when immediate, low-cost responses are available. The Crash Analysis Studio empowers cities to identify additional responses to save lives while bigger solutions are developed.”
- Edward Erfurt, Director of Community Action
The Crash Analysis Studio is a citizen-led workshop model that uses low-cost methods and analysis frameworks to ask, “Are we building conditions that contribute to collisions and ‘unsafe’ behavior?” During studio sessions, technical and non-technical panelists discuss a crash from their area, identify contributing factors and provide recommendations for short- and long-term solutions in a final report.
Those concerned with traffic safety in their town are encouraged to attend. Those who want to replicate the studio process can learn how in the free course, “Starting Your Own Crash Analysis Studio.”
Register for the San Antonio Crash Analysis Studio at
For media inquiries and follow-up reports, contact:
Karen Douglas — Public Relations
Press Contact:
Karen Douglas
Published February 14, 2024