Has your town taken small steps to tackle big issues? You could be this year’s Strongest Town.
Brattleboro, VT won the 2023 Strongest Town Contest and was recognized for its walkable neighborhoods, resilience, and abundance of community partnerships to tackle difficult problems.
For press inquiries and interviews with Strong Towns, contact:
Karen Douglas
Published January 22, 2024.
Nominations are open now for the 9th Annual Strongest Town Contest. Communities making strides in safety, resilience, and placemaking may apply to participate in this bracket-style tournament of towns. Of the nominations, 16 competitors will be selected to step into the spotlight and show a national audience the progress they've made toward becoming a strong town while vying for the ultimate prize.
Interested parties can learn more during a live Q&A session on January 30 at 10 a.m. PST.
Where tragedy and controversy tend to dominate national headlines, the Strongest Town Contest rewards stories of progress. Did your town update your zoning code to make affordable housing more accessible, or find a better way to use parking lots? Or, have you stepped up in ways your local government couldn’t?
No matter the size of your town, your success stories deserve a national spotlight.
Previous contest winners span the U.S. with populations ranging from 12 to 50 thousand. These cities have adapted their roads to be safer and pedestrian friendly, created public centers where local commerce thrives, and provided access to community services through a strong network of community partnerships. What do all these Strongest Towns have in common? They put people first.
“Big change requires a thousand little bets. The Strongest Town Contest shines a light on those doing the hard work of compounding many small steps to build their vision of a strong town.” — Charles Marohn, Strong Towns President
Strongest Town nominations are open to towns all over the world and close on February 18. Sixteen contestants will advance over five rounds, with weekly winners based on national voting. One champion will be honored at the Strong Towns National Gathering, with two representatives flown in and presented with an award. Strong Towns will also create a short documentary film about the winning town.
Nominate your town and learn more at strongesttown.com
Strong Towns is a 501c(3) nonprofit and media advocacy organization that shifts conversations around the North American development pattern. Through articles, podcasts, videos, live events, and city partnerships, they provide knowledge and tools to help cities transform their streets and communities. This is their 9th annual Strongest Town Contest.