The next generation of local leaders won’t consign themselves to serving as wards of the state. Instead, they’ll step up as the highest level of organizing for members of a community.
Read MoreIs there a question that brought you to this movement? What answer were you seeking when you first found us?
Read MoreI’ve had to reconcile my foundational belief in markets with my experiences working with cities. This has been a painful process.
Read MoreWe get a lot of questions about a federal infrastructure bill, but at the end of the day…does it really matter?
Read MoreWe often get questions about our hiring process, so we’ve laid it all out here so that others can put it to use in building their own teams.
Read MoreWhere does the Strong Towns approach intersect with environmentalism?
Read MoreIn general, engineers treat cities like a physics problem, but what we need is engineers who are able to humbly grasp the overwhelming complexity of human habitat and work.
Read MoreChuck Marohn joins this week’s show to talk about his new book.
Read MoreSo many engineering projects are formally called "improvements." The subtle bias of this language provides a glimpse at the values embedded within the profession.
Read MoreTraffic engineers use projections of future traffic to make recommendations and decisions on transportation investments… The problem is, those projections are all wrong.
Read MoreThis one’s on you, engineering profession. Society is done tolerating this level of indifference, incompetence, and incoherence. What are you going to do?
Read MoreWe get a lot of questions over at the Action Lab, and today we’re going to answer some of them!
Read MoreWe need to #SlowTheCars on every street that's been the site of an auto-related fatality. The best way to do so? Through an iterative approach.
Read MoreWhat lessons can we glean about anti-fragility and human psychology from a 2,000-year-old fast food restaurant?
Read MoreWe spend billions every year on our transportation network, large percentages of it based on traffic projections—despite the fact that we don’t accurately project traffic.
Read MoreAutomated vehicle technology will do nothing to make our streets better places to be.
Read MoreTwo simple photos show the difference between a street simply designated as 20 mph, and one actually designed to be safe. We can't regulate our way to safety.
Read MoreThe Senate has agreed to discuss an infrastructure bill…but what does it matter when real reform isn't going to come from multitrillion-dollar infrastructure proposals?
Read MoreOur national transportation obsession has been about maximizing the amount that you can drive. We now need to focus on minimizing the amount you are forced to drive.
Read MoreIf the federal government wants to fund transportation, skip the megaprojects. Start with a billion bollards.
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