Elected officials across North America are grappling with budget shortfalls and financial uncertainty. Pasadena, California is only one example. Last year, their expenses increased by 13.8% but revenues only rose 0.6%. If things are going to improve, city officials need to take a new approach.
Read MoreJennifer Krouse is a real estate strategist and the CEO of an architectural publishing house. She returns to the podcast today to dive deeper into municipal productivity, social capital and municipal investment strategies.
Read MoreJennifer Krouse is a real estate strategist and the CEO of an architectural publishing house. She joins the podcast today to talk about the ways stock plans make incremental development easier and less risky, the art of placecraft, and the importance of places being productive.
Read MoreBuilding to the street can create urban form and character, and increase the productivity of a site—even a site like this airport hotel.
Read MoreOur most famous case study revealed the high cost of auto-oriented development. But what if a little creative rearrangement could make things a whole lot better?
Read MoreThe numbers don’t lie: business-as-usual suburban development won’t bring a booming town long-term financial strength. But it turns out that to #DoTheMath is only the first step toward changing your community's business model.
Read MoreWhen you’re moving about in the world, it’s really hard to appreciate just how much land is devoted to accommodating high-speed car travel—or just how much life we could cram into the same piece of land if we didn’t have to.
Read MoreThe discipline of not acquiring more until we've wrung true value out of what we already possess can make our lives richer and fuller. And this is a lesson we need to apply to our cities as well.
Read MoreYour town's streets are its vital organs. A great street can make a place, and a badly-designed street can kill a place. We want you to tell us about a street you love that makes your town a stronger, more resilient place.
Read MoreSmall businesses are crucial to local economic health. Thriving small businesses create thriving communities, in a virtuous cycle.
Read MoreYes, many thriving places have attractive lawn furniture, tasteful signage, and abundant flowers. But adding those items to a place with fundamental flaws is just lipstick on a pig.
Read MoreDifferent approaches to building produce very different financial results that can be easily measured and contrasted.
Read MoreHere are four different features of a productive place.
Read MoreScranton, Pennsylvania is not a wealthy place, but it is a place with underappreciated intrinsic wealth. Bet on older mid-size cities like Scranton, whose built-in advantages leave them well-positioned to weather future economic disruption.
Read MoreA reference list of Strong Towns terminology.
Read MoreThe width of our streets can influence land use, safety, character, scale, and overall financial productivity. We shouldn't be fearful of building narrow when it makes sense.
Read MoreJoe Minicozzi, principal of the econometric consulting firm Urban3, challenges assumptions about land use and development. With tools like basic arithmetic, maps, and 3D visualization using ArcScene and CityEngine, he makes the case against suburban sprawl and reaffirms the value of mixed-use urban development.
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