At the Table is a podcast that discusses how community-based ministries can contribute to the common good, and they recently invited Strong Towns President Charles Marohn to appear on an episode. Up for discussion: the Suburban Experiment and the role of religious institutions in community development.
Read MoreFor a city, being in good financial condition isn't just about having good reporting practices and not defaulting on debt payments. It's about fulfilling responsibilities and providing a good quality of life to residents.
Read MoreWhen buildings burn down or fall into disrepair, they can leave gaps in a city, especially if no one wants or is able to rebuild. But that space doesn't need to go to waste. Here's 19 ways you can turn a roofless building or empty lot into a productive community hub.
Read MorePhiladelphia's school district is paying parents to drive their kids to class, but at what cost? This program leaves many families behind and actually makes streets more dangerous for children.
Read MoreIn this special collaborative episode, Upzoned host Abby Newsham and The Messy City Podcast host Kevin Klinkenberg discuss small-scale development with Jim Heid, a developer and author from California.
Read MoreCreating change requires a lot of energy and momentum, but you don't have to generate it all by yourself. You can identifying existing trends and events to give your advocacy more power. One of these trends is parking season.
Read MoreChildren need the option to participate in the outside world, not just to fear it. Here's how Tiffany Owens Reed is carving out space for her son.
Read MoreDo you want to create a strong incremental development ecosystem in your community? Here's a proven blueprint for success from incremental developers Monte Anderson and Mike Keen.
Read MoreThe reign of the yellow school bus is officially over, as the majority of students get to school by private vehicles and schools cut their bussing programs. How did this shift happen? And should we really mourn the bus?
Read MoreIn this episode, host Tiffany Owens Reed talks with Council Member Paloma Delgadillo about her efforts to make her city of Broomfield, Colorado, more resilient.
Read MoreOne major consequence of the housing crisis is increased rates of homelessness. Real estate development and design experts in Tennessee are responding by designing multiunit housing prototypes that blend in with existing neighborhoods.
Read MoreIn this episode of Upzoned, co-hosts Abby Newsham and Chuck Marohn discuss North America's uniquely large fire trucks and how they impact street safety.
Read MoreMost city officials are operating in good faith, trying their best to make decisions that will help their community. Even when they've made bad decisions in the past, it's never too late to start making good ones.
Read MoreIn many cities, officials recognize that it's better to stop a problem from occurring than try to control it after the fact. When faced with a recurring problem (like riotous parties), they pass ordinances that target its root causes. Why not do the same with street safety?
Read MoreAlec Davis is the founder of Momentum Des Moines, an urban advocacy organization dedicated to building a better city by working with local government to end car dependency and make the city more accessible for everyone
Read MoreSince enacting broad housing reforms in 2019, Durham, North Carolina, has been experiencing an explosion of missing-middle housing and housing affordability. Here are the main reforms the city enacted and how they're helping it fight the housing crisis.
Read MoreIn this episode of Upzoned, co-hosts Abby Newsham and Chuck Marohn talk about the rapid population decline of children under five years old in large urban areas and what this means for the future of cities.
Read MoreIn this special episode of the Strong Towns Podcast, Chuck talks about the ways housing fraud manifests, how it gradually saturates the market and how it’s connected to the current housing crisis.
Read MoreJane Jacobs identified four key ingredients for good urban settings: compact development, varied buildings, mixed uses and short blocks. Here's why these ingredients are important and how certain regions in the U.S. might face more difficulty in implementing them than others.
Read MoreIn this episode of the Strong Towns Podcast, Chuck discusses municipal finance with Michel Durand-Wood, a longtime Strong Towns contributor and local budget aficionado.
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