Remembering Donald Shoup: A Legacy of Curiosity, Credibility and Kindness

In this episode Chuck is joined by urban designer Victor Dover. They discuss the work and legacy of Dr. Donald Shoup, an engineer and professor of urban planning who revolutionized the fields of urban planning and parking reform with his book “The High Cost of Free Parking.” (Transcript included.)

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Nook and Cranny Urbanism: How To Maximize Every Inch of Space

In historic cities, land was treated as a scarce resource and every inch of it was used with ingenuity. This created productive and charming places that could meet the evolving needs of residents. Here are a few ways we can bring that traditional productivity and adaptable charm to modern cities.

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The Bottom-Up Revolution Is…Applying Big City Lessons to a Small Town

Maricela Sanchez is a city council member and anesthesiologist from Prosser, Washington. She has lived in several major cities, including LA, San Francisco and NYC. She joins today’s episode to discuss how her travels and profession molded her perspective on what makes a town safe and resilient. (Transcript included.)

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Bonus Episode: Lessons From 9 Strongest Town Contest Winners

This special episode explores the Strongest Town Contest, including what cities can learn from previous winners and a preview of this year's Contest. Joining the discussion are Strong Towns staffers Lauren Ronnander and John Pattison, as well as Stephen Gawron, the former mayor of the 2018 Strongest Town, Muskegon, Michigan. (Transcript included.)

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Can Sean Duffy’s New USDOT Transportation Order Bring Economic Growth?

A new order from the U.S. Department of Transportation is proposing a different approach to transportation spending. If implemented, it could deliver long-overdue reforms, the kind Strong Towns has long supported. However, the specifics raise serious concerns. 

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A Plane Crash Gets an NTSB Investigation. A Car Crash Gets a Shrug.

Last Wednesday, a plane crash claimed the lives of 67 people, making it the deadliest U.S. air disaster in over two decades. It prompted an immediate, coordinated response on a local, state and federal level. And yet, when over 100 people die in car crashes a day, nothing is done. It’s time for that to change.

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3 Ways To Make This Chicago Megaproject a Success for Everyone

A privately funded megaproject in Chicago plans to redevelop parking lots into a walkable, mixed-use entertainment district. However, a history of disinvestment and fears of gentrification mean residents are fighting the project. Here’s how the developers could increase buy-in and integrate smoothly with the community.

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